Zildjian K0801C Country Pack
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Zildjian K0801C Country Pack
K Zildjian hamras med en helt unik metod som ger cymbalerna en torr, låg pitch och en skimrande ljudkaraktär. Beroende på hur de spelas kan de få antingen en intensiv eller en mer mogen klang. K-serien har länge varit populär i jazzkretsar men även bland funk- och rocktrummisar.
Your road to Nashville starts with the Zildjian Country Pack. This unique collection features the legendary K Zildjian Cymbals which captures the right tone, volume and sustain for Country music played around the world.
This pack includes:
Each cymbal is dry, dark and expressive and was hand selected at a larger size to deliver volume and to project across the stage or studio. All Zildjian cymbals are made in the USA.