10″ Istanbul Agop Traditional Bell
High pitched for special accents, but with a longer sustain.
2 070 kr / pc.- Stock status
- 299 pc. in stock
10″ Istanbul Agop Turk Splash
Dark and raw with a quick, dry decay.
2 070 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
13″ Istanbul Agop Sultan Hi-Hats
Dark sounding, dry and low-pitched hi-hats with a woody stick definition.
4 952 kr / pc.5 205 kr / pc.Save 5 %- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
14″ Istanbul Agop Special Edition Hi-Hats
6 240 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
14″ Istanbul Agop Turk Hi-Hats
Dark and dry. Tighter and more focused when closed. A dark wash when played open.
5 700 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
15″ Istanbul Agop Special Edition Hi-Hats
7 005 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
15″ Istanbul Agop Sultan Hi-Hats
Dark sounding, dry and low-pitched hi-hats with a woody stick definition.
6 032 kr / pc.6 345 kr / pc.Save 5 %- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
15″ Istanbul Agop Turk Hi-Hats
Dark and dry. Tighter and more focused when closed. A dark wash when played open.
6 345 kr / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
16'' Istanbul Agop Turk Crash
Custom bækkenerne består faktisk af fire forskellige serier, som har samme udgangspunkt, nemlig Traditional serien. Men forskellig overfladebehandling. Der er tale om Sultan, Turk, Empire og Special Edition serierne, som alle falder under denne kategori. De forskellige teknikker er brugt på forskellig vis i disse serier, for at skabe nye lyde, samt spændende og smukke æstetiske variationer. Alle er selvfølgelig håndhamrede, og i den eksklusive ende af bækkenmarkedet. Turk Serien har slet ikke været gennem ”lathing” processen, men fremstår helt rå og en smule mere tør end Sultan
3 553 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
17″ Istanbul Agop Sultan Crash
Full, soft and colorful. Perfect combination of smoothness and sensitivity.
3 735 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
18'' Istanbul Agop Turk Crash
Custom bækkenerne består faktisk af fire forskellige serier, som har samme udgangspunkt, nemlig Traditional serien. Men forskellig overfladebehandling. Der er tale om Sultan, Turk, Empire og Special Edition serierne, som alle falder under denne kategori. De forskellige teknikker er brugt på forskellig vis i disse serier, for at skabe nye lyde, samt spændende og smukke æstetiske variationer. Alle er selvfølgelig håndhamrede, og i den eksklusive ende af bækkenmarkedet. Turk Serien har slet ikke været gennem ”lathing” processen, men fremstår helt rå og en smule mere tør end Sultan
4 214 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
18″ Istanbul Agop Sultan Crash
Full, soft and colorful. Perfect combination of smoothness and sensitivity.
4 110 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
18″ Istanbul Agop Turk China
Dark, mysterious and low.
4 770 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
19″ Istanbul Agop Sultan Crash
Full, soft and colorful. Perfect combination of smoothness and sensitivity.
4 770 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
20'' Istanbul Agop Turk Crash
Custom bækkenerne består faktisk af fire forskellige serier, som har samme udgangspunkt, nemlig Traditional serien. Men forskellig overfladebehandling. Der er tale om Sultan, Turk, Empire og Special Edition serierne, som alle falder under denne kategori. De forskellige teknikker er brugt på forskellig vis i disse serier, for at skabe nye lyde, samt spændende og smukke æstetiske variationer. Alle er selvfølgelig håndhamrede, og i den eksklusive ende af bækkenmarkedet. Turk Serien har slet ikke været gennem ”lathing” processen, men fremstår helt rå og en smule mere tør end Sultan
5 583 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
20″ Istanbul Agop Special Edition Ride
5 744 kr / pc.6 045 kr / pc.Save 5 %- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
20″ Istanbul Agop Sultan Crash
Full, soft and colorful. Perfect combination of smoothness and sensitivity.
5 445 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
20″ Istanbul Agop Sultan Jazz Ride
Woody stick definition, dry overtones and wash.
3 913 kr / pc.5 445 kr / pc.Save 28 %- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
20″ Istanbul Agop Turk Jazz Ride
A thinner weight and wider bell shape give the Turk Jazz ride a darker, lower and softer sound, with a controlled wash.
5 445 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
20″ Istanbul Agop Turk Ride
Solid, dry sticking with a raw bell. Minimal overtones.
5 445 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
21″ Istanbul Agop Special Edition Ride
6 160 kr / pc.6 465 kr / pc.Save 5 %- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
21″ Istanbul Agop Turk Jazz Ride
A thinner weight and wider bell shape give the Turk Jazz ride a darker, lower and softer sound, with a controlled wash.
5 970 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
22″ Istanbul Agop Special Edition Fusion Ride
7 275 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
22″ Istanbul Agop Special Edition Ride
6 920 kr / pc.7 275 kr / pc.Save 5 %- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
22″ Istanbul Agop Sterling Crash Ride
The 22" Sterling Crash Ride, rooted in the classic cymbal sounds of the 1960's, is designed to be highly versatile as both a ride and a crash. Crisp articulate sticking, with a mellow dark wash and crash.
7 440 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
22″ Istanbul Agop Sultan Jazz Ride
Woody stick definition, dry overtones and wash.
6 465 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
22″ Istanbul Agop Turk Jazz Ride
A thinner weight and wider bell shape give the Turk Jazz ride a darker, lower and softer sound, with a controlled wash.
6 465 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
22″ Istanbul Agop Turk Ride
Solid, dry sticking with a raw bell. Minimal overtones.
6 465 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
24″ Istanbul Agop Special Edition Ride
8 280 kr / pc.8 700 kr / pc.Save 5 %- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days
8″ Istanbul Agop Traditional Bell
High pitched for special accents, but with a longer sustain.
1 635 kr / pc.- Stock status
- 299 pc. in stock
8″ Istanbul Agop Turk Splash
Dark and raw with a quick, dry decay.
1 635 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Can be shipped in 10-14 business days