Drumheads Other Koskinn, naturskinn 0 0 Rating Write a review! Watch this product and we will notify you once it is back in stock. The product is now watched We will notify you once the product is back in stock again. E-mail Watch this product Your personal information is processed in accordance with our privacy policy. Koskinn, naturskinn Reviews Product review Based on 0 ratings. Click on a star to rate 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars You Click on a star to rate Retrieve your Facebook profile. Be the first to leave a review. Related products Skin it, tune it, play it! 5159332 218 kr / pc. 435 kr / pc. Save 50 % Stock statusIn stock Buy Stommar/ramar för handtrummor Stommar/ramar för bygge av egna handtrummor. Stommen är gjord av 8mm lönn. Finns i flera olika diametrar och har ett djup på 2,5" (ca 63mm). Styckvis. 1500912 395 kr / pc. Stock statusIn stock Info Naturskinn, Kalv 142LH12 250 kr / pc. Stock status9 pc. in stock Info